Wednesday 23 April 2014


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

For this question, I have explored how we have represented women in our media product.
I have compared our protagonist to the woman in the horror film 'unborn' 
As shown in the images below, the women have similar costumes. They are dressed casually, however their make up and hair has been done in a way which denotes them as if they are 'crazy'.
Their hair is scruffy, the have make up smudged on their faces and the character from unborn even has blood on her shirt.

In many horror movies, including our media product, women are often represented as a weak character. 
In the screen shots below both the woman seem to be breaking down suggesting they are weak and need help. They're screaming and crying which is conventional of women in horror films.

The third image is another screen shot from our media product. This woman is a hallucination of the main character. She is dressed casually as she is meant to be a normal woman in the main characters mind, however, the protagonist imagines her as evil, which is why we changed the effects when this woman appeared on screen. 
This is challenging the stereotypes of women in horror films as she is not seen as a weak woman, she is represented as someone who seems to have power and who may be evil, although it is all in the protagonists mind. 

A screenshot from our media product. 

A screenshot from the horror film Unborn.

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