Tuesday 28 January 2014

Horror Survey Results

Horror Survey Results

The demographics of our video show that majority of the people to complete our survey were female and the age range was between 17 and 19. Therefore we will aim our film at a female target audience and ensure that it meets the certificate ratings of this age range.

They psychographics of our survey show that majority of the people who answered preferred a psychological sub genre of horror.  We also found that the woods was voted the most frightening area, we will consider this when choosing our location to film. This is important as the location was also  what people voted had the biggest impact on horror films. 
The most unwanted things in a horror film were a typical damsel in distress and comedy. We also asked which weapon they thought would be most suitable for a modern day antagonist, the most common response was a knife therefore we will try to incorporate this into our film. 

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