Wednesday 30 October 2013

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task


(story: A young girl walks into a room and sits down, she sees a young male that she fancies and is finding insignificant excuses to make conversation)

Girl: (walks into room, sits down and looks at boy) Hi!
Boy: (Looking up from book): Err..Hello.
Girl: (Apprehensively): I don't know about you but i haven't got a clue what to do for miss jones maths you?
Boy: NO! i don't..maybe we can work on it together?
Girl: yeah okay that sounds great..who's place mine or yours?
Boy: umm..maybe here, right now in the library?
Girl: ohh, yeah of get to work
Boy: okay. Question one...243 X 6...
Girl: umm..if i knew the answer I wouldn't be asking you for help would I?


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